Upsell Opportunities

Turn your Customer Relationship into Profit
Upsell opportunities

Have money appear in your bank account. Daily
Without having to do anything!

MyAutoCompanion works with your Dealer Management System to deliver targeted, timely Sales Opportunities to your customers - on the device they have in their hand.

And gives them the one-click opportunity to buy - there and then - within the App.

Extended Warranty
When the customers manufacturer or existing extended warranty expires, a notification automatically pops up with the call to action to buy an extended warranty. This warranty is then added automatically to your DMS system!
Service Plans
Service Plans are upsold as they expire, within the App. The Service Plan sold is then added to your DMS so your service team know!
Recovery Services
It's not only items that bring the customer to the dealership that can be sold. Simply by offering a Recovery Service Annually can bring in income in the form of referral commission.
Finance Expiry
Using your DMS data, myAutoCompanion knows when the customer has his finance due to expire. So, it's easy to notify them of this well in advance and start the renewal process

Join the Digital Revolution - Deliver the Customer the experience he deserves and own your customer.